What is the difference between PTFE and PVDF

PTFE is much more chemically resistant to corrosion than PVDF or PE. The more Fluorine atoms on the backbone, the more proteins will not be able to chemically latch onto the surface.


Main difference between PTFE and PVDF

Structure –[–CF2–CHF–]n– –[–CF2–CF2]n–
Production Technology blow hot or cold isostatic pressing and/or sintering
Use of Catalysts and/or Other Additions Cd, Ba, K None
Price Moderate High
Density [g/cm3] 1.8 2.1 to 2.3
Melting point [°C] 178 327
Temperature Range for Application [°C] –60 to 150 –200 to 260
Tensile Strength 50 20 to 35
Chemical Resistivity No further data available; similar to PTFE Exceptional.Incombustible and insolvable in all known solvents. Attacked only by molten alkali metals and by fluorine at high temperatures.


PTFE and PVDF (durapore) are both used in protein binding filter membranes (Millipore specifically). Chemically speaking the two polymers differ quite significantly due to the additional fluorides and molecular weight. Their protein-binding properties also differ. 

Generally, PTFE is more ‘non-stick’ than PVDF, which is more non-stick than polyethylene (PE). PTFE is much more chemically resistant to corrosion than PVDF or PE. You are correct to look at the chemical structure. The more Fluorine atoms on the backbone, the more proteins will not be able to chemically latch onto the surface. Measuring things like contact angle will confirm this. I don’t know how much the pore structure of the membranes affects things, but from a chemical standpoint, there are clear differences.

PTFE -poly tetra fluoro ethylene and PVDF -polyvinylidene fluoride both are polymers used for the hydrophobic property of the electrode to avoid flooding of the cathode material( carbon cloth).Mostly in studies, they are using PTFE solution than other types of a solution…

Both of them are stable enough. Think that the reason is in final electrode morphology, because PVDF binder used as a true solution (glue), while PTFE one is a suspension with unsoluble nanosized particles. 

PVDF is more reactive than PTFE under certain conditions.


PS: If you want a sample or more info about PTFE molded rod vs PTFE extruded rod, PTFE tubing, PTFE hose, and PTFE equipment, please contact us.

Post time: Nov-10-2019